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Discover the Truth Behind 5 Myths About Dental Sedation

September 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Erin Page @ 1:18 am
Hands holding “myth busting” sign

Countless dentists offer sedation as a way to help their patients have an easy and comfortable treatment experience. Sadly, though, some patients hesitate to accept this provision even though it would be very beneficial for them. They might do so because they have been misled by some common myths about dental sedation. What is the truth behind such ideas? This blog post explains.

Myth #1: Dental Sedation Is Unsafe

The truth is that severe adverse reactions to dental sedation are incredibly rare. You can expect your dentist to take every reasonable safety precaution. For example, they will screen you for medical conditions that might increase your risk of a bad reaction. They will also monitor you closely while you are sedated so they can take fast action on the off-chance that something goes wrong.

Myth #2: Anyone Can Get Dental Sedation

Dental sedation is suitable for most people, but there are some groups for whom it is not recommended. It might not be right for you if you are pregnant or have certain allergies or medical conditions. If you are not a good candidate for sedation, your dentist will explore other means of helping you to have a comfortable treatment experience.

Myth #3: Dental Sedation Is Like a Truth Serum

Thanks to certain media depictions, some people are under the impression that dental sedation may make you spill all your secrets. That usually does not happen. In fact, with milder forms of sedation, such as nitrous oxide, you will maintain a high degree of control over yourself. With more powerful forms of sedation, you might be a bit extra emotional as the medication is wearing off, but it is still unlikely that you will violate your own privacy.

Myth #4: Sedation Is Only for Complex Procedures

Sedation is often highly recommended for complex and invasive procedures, such as wisdom tooth removal, dental implant placement, and other types of oral surgery. However, sedation is not exclusively reserved for such situations. It can also be used for routine treatments. For particularly nervous or sensitive patients, it can even be used during basic cleanings!

Myth #5: Dental Sedation Is Unaffordable

Dental insurance usually does not cover sedation, but that does not make it unaffordable. Nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation (sedatives in pill form) are financially accessible for most patients. Ask your dental team for a cost estimate, and find out if they offer low-interest financing to help you manage the price of your entire treatment.

Do not believe common myths about sedation! With a bit of research, you can easily find the truth about this useful provision.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Erin Page and our team at Capital Smiles are proud to offer multiple forms of sedation, including nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. We want our patients to be comfortable! If you have questions about sedation or what to expect from it, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our Schenectady office at 518-374-0317.

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