Are you embarrassed about your dental condition – Do you hide your smile, or have bad breath? Do you have difficulty chewing and cannot eat certain foods that you enjoy? Do you work in a profession that requires you meet with clients or give presentations? If you’re missing several teeth and have answered yes to any of these questions, then implant retained dentures or partials at Capital Smiles, the office of Dr. Erin Page, provide a solution.
Having even one missing tooth can make eating difficult, which may compromise your ability to have a well-balanced diet. You may have trouble pronouncing certain words and enunciating sounds, so speaking with confidence can be challenging. In addition, tooth loss can cause adjacent teeth to move, which can affect your bite. Moreover, missing teeth are often a precursor to gum disease and the accompanying bone deterioration and possible systemic illnesses and disease, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. Many of these concerns can be avoided by replacing missing teeth with either implant retained dentures or partials from Capital Smiles in Schenectady, NY.
What are Implant Retained Dentures and Partials?
You’re probably familiar with dentures and partials. A full denture is an oral prosthetic, which is comprised of false teeth attached to a gum-colored base that snuggly fit over the gums of a patient’s upper or lower arch. A partial consists of replacement teeth and a base that is held in place with clasps that attach to a number of your healthy teeth.
With implant retained dentures and partials, a dental implant supports and secures your oral prosthetic. In short, Dr. Page surgically place a titanium screw into your jawbone and the implant retained denture or partial is attached to the post. Now, we’ll consider the details of the process.
Step-by-Step to Implant Retained Dentures and Partials
First, we’ll need to make sure you are a qualified candidate for implants. We’ll determine whether or not you have sufficient bone in the areas of your missing teeth. This ensures a firm hold when we place the dental implants. If you do not have enough supporting bone, then we may recommend bone graft surgery, which will increase the quality of your bone.
Next, Dr. Page will decide the appropriate number of implants that will be placed in your jaw. As you heal over the course of a few months, the biocompatible posts and surrounding bone tissue will fuse to form a stable and secure base for your permanent prosthetic. Furthermore, the post stimulates healthy new bone tissue growth, so bone deterioration is much less likely.
While you heal, you may wear a temporary denture or partial. Then once we’re certain the implants are well integrated in your jawbone, you’ll return to Capital Smiles where Dr. Page will attach your permanent denture or partial.
Schedule a Consultation Today
To learn more about implant retained dentures and partials with the cosmetic dentists Capital District residents turn to for the most natural-looking smiles, call Capital Smiles. Our Schenectady, NY, practice invites patients from throughout the Capital District including Albany, Schenectady, Niskayuna, Amsterdam, and beyond.