One of the great things about Invisalign is that it features a shorter average treatment time than regular braces. However, it may still take several months — or a year or longer — before you work your way through all of your aligners and get to begin enjoying your perfectly aligned smile. Is there any way to speed up the process? For most patients, the answer is yes. Let’s talk about how using AcceleDent and complying with your dentist’s treatment instructions can make your treatment proceed as quickly as possible.
How to Speed Up Your Invisalign Results
March 13, 2021
Your Guide for Transitioning from Dentures to Dental Implants
February 25, 2021
Many people love their dentures. Indeed, dentures provide reliable tooth replacement that can look beautiful. However, as wonderful as dentures are, it must be acknowledged that they come with some drawbacks. For instance, they may become destabilized and slip around in the mouth. They also do not support the health of the jawbone. Implant-supported tooth replacement, on the other hand, is incredibly sturdy and helps to keep the jawbone healthy and whole. Are you ready to transition from dentures to dental implants? Here is a general overview of what you can expect as you make the switch.
Will My Dental Restorations Affect My Candidacy for Invisalign?
January 18, 2021
Countless individuals have crowns, bridges, or porcelain veneers. Depending on their specified purpose, such restorations can improve the appearance of your smile, enhance dental function, protect your teeth, and bolster your oral health. However, if your teeth are not properly aligned, and you already have some restorations on some of them, an important question arises — will you be able to get Invisalign in the Capital District? For many people, the answer to that question is yes.
5 Signs that Dental Implants Are Right for You
December 28, 2020
In discussions about tooth replacement, dental implants emerge as the undisputed champion when it comes to functionality, longevity, and health benefits. As wonderful as they are, however, not everyone with missing teeth qualifies for them. Are they right for you? Your dentist is the only person truly qualified to answer that question. However, before you schedule your consultation with them, you can read this blog post to learn about five characteristics that mark a good dental implant candidate in the Capital District.
Jaw Pain and Cracked Teeth Are on the Rise — Why?
October 2, 2020
When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, dentists temporarily closed their doors to everyone except emergency patients. After one dentist with a practice in New York City reopened, a friend asked how her business was doing. The friend expected that perhaps patients were staying away due to concerns over COVID-19. However, the dentist responded that she had been busier than ever. Why? She said, “I’ve seen more tooth fractures in the last six weeks than in the previous six years.”
Indeed, many dentists may have noticed a similar upward trend in fractured teeth and jaw pain. What is the reason behind this troubling phenomenon, and what can you do to find jaw pain relief in the Capital District? Let’s discuss these important questions.
Gummy Smile? Here’s How Your Dentist Can Help
September 18, 2020
Ideally, your gums should be a subtle frame for your smile. Rather than calling attention to themselves, they should allow onlookers to enjoy the sight of your beautiful, healthy teeth. However, if more than a few millimeters of gum tissue is visible when you smile, you have what is known as a “gummy smile in the Capital District.” This is a fairly common issue; roughly 14 percent of women and 7 percent of men have extra visible gum tissue when they smile. But just because this is a common issue doesn’t mean you have to put up with it forever. Your dentist offers a few treatments that may help.
How Does Denture Stabilization with Dental Implants Work?
August 25, 2020
Traditional dentures can be both beautiful and functional. However, a common complaint about them is that they tend to slip out of place. Are you tired of dealing with the hassle and embarrassment of dentures that just won’t stay put? Reliable denture stabilization in the Capital District is possible thanks to dental implants! in this blog post, you’ll learn more about how dental implants can anchor your teeth in place and help you to enjoy the most natural-feeling smile possible.
Infection Control and Sterilization in the Dental Office
May 16, 2020
As COVID-19 restrictions begin to loosen up across the country, many dental practices are welcoming back non-emergency patients. However, the worldwide pandemic has made many people more conscious than ever before of the need to keep their surroundings clean. A clean environment is especially vital in medical settings, including dental offices. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few of the measures that the team at Capital Smiles is taking to promote infection control and sterilization in the dental office.
SmileDirectClub vs Invisalign —Which Should You Choose?
February 25, 2020
Perhaps your teeth are somewhat misaligned, and you are ready to get them straightened. You know you want the convenience of removable clear aligners, but perhaps you’re torn as to which clear aligner system you should use. SmileDirectClub might sound appealing because it is an at-home treatment that has a relatively low price tag. On the other hand, Invisalign in the Capital District has been around for much longer and has an excellent reputation. In this blog post, we provide a comparison of these two treatments.
A Capital District Dentist Explains the Importance of Oral Hygiene
January 16, 2020
Oral health is one of the keys to maintaining your overall health and enjoying an optimum quality of life. But how can you protect your oral health? One of the primary ways is through excellent oral hygiene. A dentist in the Capital District is here to discuss why oral hygiene is so vital and outline some best practices to help you keep a clean and fully functional smile.