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The Innumerable Benefits of Dental Implants: Restore and Rebuild Your Smile

August 18, 2014

177257483Over the past decade, dental implants have rapidly become the preferred tooth replacement option for patients seeking a restored smile and improved functionality. At Capital Smiles in Schenectady, NY, Dr. Erin M. Page provide patients with an all-inclusive range of restorative dental solutions supported by the latest technology in the industry, including dental implants.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth, the bone tissue within the jaw where the tooth once stood begins to deteriorate over time. This can lead to the loss of additional teeth and an increased risk for periodontal disease. The shape of the face can begin to change, promoting a sunken appearance that can make you look years older than you actually are. While dentures and bridges can help patients by restoring their smile and their ability to chew many foods, the absence of the root structure continues to present a problem unless it is replaced as well. This is one of the primary advantages of dental implants.

Dental implants are small, biocompatible posts that are placed within the jaw bone. By taking the place of your missing tooth’s root, an implant effectively preserves the bone tissue that comprises the jaw. Deterioration of the bone stops, resulting in improved stability and overall oral health. Through a process known as osseointegration, the implant fuses with the bone, making a dental implant a superior anchor for restorations like dentures, bridges, and single crowns.

The Dental Implants Process

First, a consultation with our doctors will determine your candidacy for dental implant placement. When we’ve formulated your unique treatment plan and prepared the area, the implants will be strategically placed as needed to support a crown, a bridge, or a full denture. After a brief period of healing and osseointegration, you’ll visit our office for the placement of your custom restoration.

There are many ways that dental implants help patients more fully enjoy their smiles and their lives.  Dentures secured with dental implants won’t slip or slide when you speak or eat, and the overall appearance is considered to be far more natural and aesthetically appealing.  To replace a single missing tooth, a dental implant avoids preparation of the two surrounding teeth required with a bridge.  Dental implants can also be used in conjunction with bridges to replace several teeth in total, also preserving more of your natural dentition.

Experience the Difference for Yourself

Whether you are missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or are in need of tooth replacement for an entire arch, the experienced team at Capital Smiles can help. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation and to learn more about the wide range of possibilities afforded by dental implants. We look forward to sitting down with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that suits your individual needs and your lifestyle. Our primary goal is to rebuild your smile and restore optimal oral health for life. Conveniently located in Schenectady, NY, our state-of-the-art dental practice warmly welcomes patients from throughout the Capital District, including Niskayuna, Troy, Albany, Rotterdam, and more.