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Invisalign at Capital Smiles: Your Beautiful Smile, Only Straighter

July 24, 2014

Filed under: Orthodontics — Tags: , , , , , , , — Dr. Erin Page @ 1:20 pm

Shutterstock InvisalignWhen you look at your smile in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? For many adults and image-conscious teens, crooked teeth and uneven spacing make for a smile they’d rather not show off to the world. If you’ve often wished that your teeth were straighter but feel that traditional metal braces wouldn’t suit your lifestyle, the team at Capital Smiles offers an effective alternative: Invisalign clear aligners. From our beautiful office in Schenectady, NY, Dr. Erin M. Page  offer a comprehensive menu of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including Invisalign.

Advantages of Invisalign Clear Aligners

Whereas traditional orthodontic treatment requires the use of metal brackets and wires to straighten teeth, Invisalign transforms smiles using a series of customized plastic aligners. Each set of clear aligners is designed to precisely fit your unique dentition, gradually repositioning your teeth over the course of 12 to 18 months, on average. In most cases, Invisalign treatment is considerably more affordable than traditional orthodontia, making it an excellent choice for patients seeking a more beautiful smile without a prohibitively high price tag.

Invisalign aligners are capable of correcting a wide variety of common orthodontic issues, including mild bite misalignment, gapped teeth, and crowded or crooked teeth. Simply wear your aligners day and night, removing them for cleaning and when you eat. With every phase of your treatment, you’ll see your new smile developing more clearly.

Invisalign: More Than Just a Pretty Smile

Though the Invisalign system is most widely known for its ability to consistently deliver amazing aesthetic results, there are a variety of other benefits to straightening your teeth that may not prove so obvious at first. Everyone wants a balanced, symmetrical smile because of how it makes them look and feel, but did you know that straighter teeth are actually critical to hygiene and overall oral health as well? Properly aligned teeth are far less likely to fall victim to decay and shifting, making the choice to pursue Invisalign treatment an even smarter one than many patients initially think. Preserve your smile’s health while you enhance its beauty with Invisalign and Capital Smiles.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are one of the innumerable Americans who have avoided seeking orthodontic treatment because traditional braces simply aren’t appealing or cost-effective, we want to help. Contact our office in Schenectady, NY today to schedule your one-on-one Invisalign consultation with our caring, experienced team. Our state-of-the-art dental practice warmly welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas, including Niskayuna, Albany, Troy, Rotterdam, and more. We look forward to showing you what a dramatic difference our unique, patient-centric philosophy and state of the art technology can make in your smile and in your life.